अन्य भाषा >> मैन अगेन्स्ट मिथ (English) मैन अगेन्स्ट मिथ (English)बेरोस डनहम
139 पाठक हैं |
Man Against Myth conveys a powerful message that continues to resonate in contemporary times...
प्रस्तुत हैं पुस्तक के कुछ अंश
The publication of Man Against Myth in 1947
was received with critical acclaim and won high praise from some of the
best minds of the time. The book demolishes a series of deeply
entrenched social myths such as the ‘Rich are fit and the
poor unfit’; ‘There are superior and inferior
races’; and ‘You cannot be free and
safe’. The perpetuation of such myths, the book argues, has
been beneficial to the interests of a privileged few and has worked to
justify inequality and impede human progress in society. Written with
sensitivity and wit, Man Against Myth conveys a powerful message that
continues to resonate in contemporary times.
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